- Sun, Apr 06Eretz Cultural Center
Become an Eretz Member Today
Welcome to an exciting new year at Eretz Synagogue and Cultural Center!
We are delighted to have you join our ECC community. As a member, you are a contributor in and builder of our community, and your partnership is essential to the health and vibrancy of Eretz Synagogue.
For questions about membership or logging in, contact Shiva Naim at 818-342-9303 or shiva.n@eretzcc.org.
Membership dues are 100% tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Once paid, due are non-refundable.
We will work with any member experiencing financial hardship so they can continue to be part of our ECC family.
We deeply appreciate your ongoing support of ECC.

ECC Stand with Israel Fundraising Efforts Continue

ECC Stand with Israel fundraising efforts continues
100% of the funds raised by Eretz will be distributed to the following organizations;
Magbit Foundation
Beit Halochem (Wounded IDF Soldiers and disabled Veterans)
Jewish National Fund for Israel
and will directly help and support the state of Israel and its people.
Your generous donations are appreciated, and tax deductible.
Please make your check out to ECC in memo please write Israel.
We would like to thank our security team for their endless effort in securing our community!

Kabbalah Class Schedule!

Mondays at 7:30pm
Kabbalah Step by Step by Farima Kahen Kashani
In person and Zoom
Zoom ID: 3818382582
Password: learn
Tuesdays at 7:30pm-8:30pm (Zoom)
Practical Kabbalah & Torah by Amir Omrani
Zoom ID: 3818382582
Password: amir
Wednesdays at 7:00-8:00pm
Joy of Life by Jinous Tabibian
Thursdays beginning at 7:30-8:30pm (bi-weekly)
Zohar Class by Keyvan Darougar
Shabbat Youth Program for all Ages at Eretz Synagogue

Join us Saturdays from 10:00 am-12:30 pm for our Eretz Youth Shabbat Program. Our youth program has grown tremendously in the last few years, and we now have just finished our youth center (located downstairs) and have multiple programs for different age groups. We have a weekly youth-only service and kiddush, fabulous prizes, and tons of activities to keep our precious souls well-natured and excited to come back.
We look forward to making you part of our Eretz family!
ECC New Shabbat Service Schedule

Join us for our new weekly spiritual Shabbat Service schedule.
8:30 am - Service begins
9:30 am - Shema Israel
9:45 am- Kabbalah insight
10:00 am - Opening of the Ark
10:15 am - Torah Reading
11:30 am - Rabbi’s Sermon
12:15 pm - Services ends
For more information or to reserve an Aliyah or a donation, contact our office at 818-342-9303.
Sign Up For Bar/Bat Mitzvah Classes
Our goal at Eretz Synagogue is to create a Bar/Bat Mitzvah program that is a spiritual and religious experience connecting child and family to G-d and to each other. Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah program is nurturing and will always strive to be kind, considerate, patient, and sensitive to our students and parents.
To find out more information about bar/bat mitzvah classes, please email us at info@eretzcc.org or call us at (818) 342-9303.

Come Join Our Community
Eretz Synagogue is a Traditional Jewish congregation founded in 1979. We are committed to the land and people of Israel, to the serious study of ancient and Kabbalah Jewish learning. In our diverse community, we have prayer services at our main sanctuary attracting an average of 400 people on Shabbat mornings. We are a congregation of spiritual seekers, loving tradition, embracing modernity along with the Jewish mission of improving the world.
Visit Our Preferred Vendors Page

We are in the process of building our list of preferred vendors. These vendors are all Top-Rated Professionals we have had the pleasure to do business with and are associated with our Synagogue.
We encourage you to visit these vendors and let them know you found them through Eretz!